use strict; use DBIx::DWIW; # CPAN use Getopt::Std; use Data::Dumper; # Reference Implementation of PARTITION Maintenance. # This demonstrates, in working code, a sliding set of several partitions # and how to drop and add as time goes on. # Two calling methods: # * Drop and Create a table with some partitions. # -x -c -d dbname -t tblname # * Perform daily maintenance. # -s -d dbname -t tblname -k keep # Each displays the resulting set of partitions. # Assumptions and notes: # * There is a mysql running and a use with sufficient privs (see connection code) # * The goal is to have at least 4 days' worth of data. # * Other time amounts are discussed. # * Non-daily (eg, hourly) partitions is only briefly mentioned. # * This can be run via cron, or manually. # * Extra runs are harmless (it protects itself). # Rick James, Oct, 2012 my %opt; getopts('xcsd:t:k:v', \%opt) or die Usage(); my $do_drop = $opt{x} || undef; # Action: DROP demo table my $do_create = $opt{c} || undef; # Action: CREATE demo table my $do_shift = $opt{s} || undef; # Action: Shift: drop&add partitions if time to do so my $dbname = $opt{d} || undef; # Database name my $tblname = $opt{t} || undef; # Table name my $keep_days = $opt{k} || undef; # Number of days (not periods) to keep my $verbose = $opt{v} || not $ENV{CRON}; # Show debugging except when run by cron die Usage() if not ($dbname and $tblname); # Assuming: # CREATE DATABASE PmDemo; # GRANT ALL ON PmDemo.* TO 'pm_demo'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pm_demo'; my $db = DBIx::DWIW->Connect(Host => 'localhost', DB => $dbname, User=>'pm_demo', Pass=>'pm_demo' ) or die "Connection trouble? $@"; if ($do_drop) { DoDropTable($tblname); } if ($do_create) { DoCreate($tblname); } if ($do_shift) { die Usage() if not $keep_days; my $parts = GatherPartitionInfo($dbname, $tblname); my $today = $db->Scalar(qq{SELECT TO_DAYS(CURRENT_DATE())}); die $@ if $@; DoAddPartition($parts, $tblname, $today + 1); # Create next daily, but not beyond tomorrow. DoDropPartition($parts, $tblname, $today - $keep_days); # Drop oldest, if old enough } ShowPartitions($dbname, $tblname); exit; #----------------------------- sub Usage { print <<'USAGE'; One-time Set up of Database: CREATE DATABASE PmDemo; GRANT ALL ON PmDemo.* TO 'pm_demo'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pm_demo'; Create sample table: -d PmDemo -t Tbl -c Shift partitions by 1 day (won't do much yet): -d PmDemo -t Tbl -s -k 4 Repeat; eventually you will have 6 days and it won't budge until tomorrow. Start over (-x drops the table): -d PmDemo -t Tbl -x -c USAGE } #----------------------------- sub DoDropTable { my ($tblname) = @_; print STDERR "About to DROP TABLE $tblname, press return, or abort "; ; my $sql = qq{DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tblname}; print "$sql\n"; $db->Execute($sql); die $@ if $@; } #----------------------------- sub DoCreate { my ($tblname) = @_; # For demo purposes, create one partition for 5 days ago # It will soon be DROPped. # Build useful partition name: my $ago4 = $db->Scalar(qq{SELECT CURRENT_DATE() - INTERVAL 6 DAY}); die $@ if $@; my $yyyymmdd = $ago4; $yyyymmdd =~ s{\D}{}g; # For the "LESS THAN VALUE", use the next day: my $ago3 = $db->Scalar(qq{SELECT CURRENT_DATE() - INTERVAL 5 DAY}); die $@ if $@; my $partition_def = "PARTITION from$yyyymmdd VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DAYS('$ago3'))"; # print "Partition definition: $partition_def\n"; my $sql = qq{ CREATE TABLE $tblname ( dt DATETIME NOT NULL ) PARTITION BY RANGE (TO_DAYS(dt)) ( PARTITION start VALUES LESS THAN (0), $partition_def, PARTITION future VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE )}; print "$sql\n"; $db->Execute($sql); die $@ if $@; } # Drop oldest, if old enough # (This should work, as is, for 'weekly' partitions.) # $ago is the TO_DAYS() for earliest day to keep. #----------------------------- sub DoDropPartition { my ($parts, $tblname, $ago) = @_; # This demo code depends on the PARTITION_DESCRIPTION being "days" (from TO_DAYS()). return if @$parts < 4; # bulletproofing # Note: $parts[1] is 'start'; $parts[2] is the one to consider dropping my $pname = $parts->[2]{PARTITION_NAME}; my $to_toss = $parts->[2]{PARTITION_DESCRIPTION}; die $@ if $@; print "$ago : $to_toss\n"; return if $ago < $to_toss; # partitions do not go back far enough my $sql = qq{ALTER TABLE $tblname DROP PARTITION $pname}; print "$sql\n"; $db->Execute($sql); die $@ if $@; } # Create next daily, but not beyond tomorrow. #----------------------------- sub DoAddPartition { my ($parts, $tblname, $tomorrow) = @_; # We depend on the PARTITION_DESCRIPTION being "days" (from TO_DAYS()). # print "TO_DAYS(tomorrow) = $tomorrow\n"; # First check 'tomorrow' already existing # Note: [-1] is the "future" partition, # [-2] is the last 'real' partition my $thru = $parts->[-2]{PARTITION_DESCRIPTION}; return if $thru > $tomorrow; # There is already a non-'future' partition covering tomorrow my $ymd = $db->Scalar(qq{SELECT FROM_DAYS($thru)}); $ymd =~ s{\D}{}g; $thru += 1; # (+=1 for daily; +=7 for weekly; etc) Reorg($tblname, [ 'future' ], # Split this one partition ('future') into two: [["from$ymd" => $thru], ['future' => 'MAXVALUE']]); # and a new 'future' partition } # Generic Helper routine. # Needed because information_schema is so slow. # Returns arrayref of hashes # [0] not used # [1] is 'start' partition # [2]..[-2] are 'real' partitions # [-1] is 'future' partition #----------------------------- sub GatherPartitionInfo { my ($dbname, $tbl) = @_; my $sql = qq{SELECT * FROM information_schema.PARTITIONS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND TABLE_NAME = ?}; my @rows = $db->Hashes($sql, $dbname, $tbl); die $@ if $@; # This should be redundant, but just in case, let's put them into a correctly ordered array: my @arr; map { $arr[$_->{PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION}] = $_ } @rows; return \@arr; } # Generic Helper routine -- constructs and runs ALTER TABLE ... REORGANIZE. # $from is arrayref of partition name(s) being replaced. # $to is arrayref of arrayref(s) like [name,limit] of new partitions. # (This code assumes you have at least 5.1.4, since it may reuse partition names.) #----------------------------- sub Reorg { my ($table, $from, $to) = @_; my $froms = join(",\n ", @$from); my @tos; for my $pair (@$to) { my ($name, $bound) = @$pair; $bound = "($bound)" if $bound ne 'MAXVALUE'; push @tos, " PARTITION $name VALUES LESS THAN $bound"; } my $tos = join(",\n ", @tos); # $froms is one or more partition names; # $tos is one or more partition definitions (name + LESS THAN). my $alter = qq{ALTER TABLE $table REORGANIZE PARTITION $froms INTO ( $tos ) }; print STDERR $alter; $db->Execute($alter); die $@ if $@; } #----------------------------- sub ShowPartitions { my ($dbname, $tblname) = @_; my $parts = GatherPartitionInfo($dbname, $tblname); for my $j (1..@$parts-1) { my $p = $parts->[$j]; printf "%3d %-25s %9s %9d %9d\n", $p->{PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION}, $p->{PARTITION_NAME}, $p->{PARTITION_DESCRIPTION}, $p->{DATA_LENGTH}, $p->{INDEX_LENGTH}; } }